sticky people

 We pride ourselves on functioning as a family of learners.  At Wethersfield, we have developed a strong direction for the future of our students by developing and practicing our core values everyday:

Wethersfield believes

    •  a successful education is the by-product of effective collaboration between staff, students and parents.
    • connecting real world experiences to our curriculum leads to a better understanding for students.
    • students deserve a safe, positive and nurturing educational and social environment in order for the students to learn and grow.
    • we must use multiple teaching methods, strategies and technology in order to reach all students.
    • students and staff must be held to high expectations in order to provide a quality educational experience in preparing our students for the 21st century.
    • our students and our staff must be life-long learners.
    • we must prepare our students to be respectful, responsible, and responsive citizens.
    • in the importance of recognizing and developing students’ talents and interests in all facets of the school community.
    • the attitudes our staff members bring to school and the classroom on a daily basis has a direct correlation on the success and attitudes of our students.
    • students have to know our staff members and school community cares if we want our students to care.
    • standardized tests provide data for our district to consider, but standardized test data is a very small part of the overall measure of a child’s learning.