Collin Hodge finished a black stained oak dresser in woodworking class. Great work Collin!
about 19 hours ago, Tyler Nichols
Today was the last K-Kids meeting. We said good-bye to our sixth graders and wished them luck in junior high! We hope they continue their services in Builders Club next year. Thank you to all students who participated!
about 19 hours ago, Kyle Dennison
It is a busy day at Wethersfield Elementary! Kindergarten Lemonade Stand from 1pm-2:20pm in front of the elementary. Freeze Dried Candy Friday from 2:30pm-3pm for students and 3pm-3:30pm for community/parents. PATT Family Fun Night from 5pm-7pm in the Jr. High and Elementary Gyms
about 19 hours ago, Kyle Dennison
5th grade students read and researched about a leader of change and then created a trifold, wrote an informative paper, and gave a one-minute speech about each leader. They presented the Wax Museum last night to parents, grandparents, and community members.
about 19 hours ago, Dawn Newman
Wax Museum
Our Spring HS Music concert was tonight and what a fantastic night of music it was! The entire performance was fabulous from beginning to end and nobody wanted it to end. Great job students and thank you Mr. Hagaman for a job very well done.
2 days ago, Tyler Nichols
In Kindergarten, we are learning about conflict resolution and being kind to others. In the story, Hammerhead has a problem on the playground and needs to find out how to handle it. Kindergarten painted with bubbles while also practicing deep breathing. The students had to take big long breaths in their noses and out their mouths.
3 days ago, Dawn Newman
Recess Challenge
Using examples from Hamilton, the 8th Grade History classes worked in pairs and wrote a Rap Battle about the Whiskey Rebellion. They had to incorporate the viewpoints of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton as well as George Washington’s response to the rebellion. The students were given extra credit if they performed their rap.
3 days ago, Dawn Newman
Rap Battles
May Menu's
3 days ago, Andy Brooks
Eighth graders finished a unit on waves by completing an escape room. They had to answer questions correctly and solve mathematical problems to escape.
4 days ago, Dawn Newman
Escape Room
Chief Meteorologist James Zahara of WQAD news visited the 2nd grade classes today. He gave a very informative and entertaining program about weather and being a meteorologist.
4 days ago, Dawn Newman
Wear blue :)
4 days ago, Andy Brooks
The Junior High Student Council is sponsoring a food drive beginning today and running through Friday, May 10th. Please share what you can to help support our local food pantry.
5 days ago, Dawn Newman
Food Drive
As part of their ABC Countdown, kindergarten celebrated Gg Day with gum and glow day on Friday.
5 days ago, Dawn Newman
Gum and Glow Day
Tomorrow, Prom Premier will be 3-5pm with announcements at 4pm in the HS gym. Dance will be at the Stables from 8-11pm.
8 days ago, Tyler Nichols
Yesterday, the kindergarten classes celebrated the letter F day by going to McDonald's & eating French fries with their friends. McDonald’s graciously provided each child with a small fry, drink, & toy free of charge. The kindergarten classes are celebrating a letter a day until the end of the school year.
8 days ago, Dawn Newman
French fries
In honor of Earth Day, the Pre-K learned/ practiced many ways to take care of our planet this week. In the picture shown, they are preparing to take home their flower seed bombs to plant at their homes.
8 days ago, Dawn Newman
Earth Day
The Book Fair will take place next week April 29th through May 3rd. It will also be open during the Family Fun Night on Friday, May 3rd. During the week the fair will be open to the public from 3:00-3:30 pm. It is being held in the Elementary Library. You may use the link below. There is also a link on the school's webpage in the Elementary Libray section.
9 days ago, Andy Brooks
PATT is hosting it's annual Family Fun Night Friday May 3rd at Wethersfield Elementary School in the Jr. High Gym! See note for more details.
9 days ago, Kyle Dennison
Wethersfield PATT presents a Freeze Dried Friday on April 26th!
9 days ago, Kyle Dennison
Ashley Oliver and Tinsley Newman worked together to build a shoe stand . It was stained to match a dresser Ashley had previously made. Great job ladies!
10 days ago, Tyler Nichols